Tag: Michael 3

Short Style for Michael 3

I release a set of total clothing for a man after a long time. I thought that this design was cute at first. But, I won’t know where…

M3 Short Style Clothing W.I.P. 4

I wonder how many person is interested in my work when I upload a 3D model which has no texture. I know that there are few such people.

M3 Short Style Clothing W.I.P. 3

A watch is essential in the fashion of a gentleman. Though it may be already an outdated sense, but I love a watch.

M3 Short Style Clothing W.I.P. 2

I often found a fatal mistake at the final stage of the work.

M3 Short Style Clothing W.I.P.

I was working on the last item (Room Screen) of my Asian Luxuries series. But I am not still finishing it completely. Muggy summer stopped my thinking. I…

Thorough changing of M3

I must apologize to the owners of Scampixie. A good idea doesn’t occur to me about a Pixy’s dress, yet. And, I’m sorry. I was stopping making of…